AllCalzoniThe WhiteFocacceDessertPizza ClassiquePizza GourmetPizza SpecialVeganVegetarianMargherita D.O.P.Tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese fior di latte, basil leavesStrepitosaTomato, mozzarella, buffalo mozzarella cold set, cherry tomatoes, fresh basil pestoGolosaMozzarella, tomato, Greek style olives, dried tomatoes, basilTartufonaMozzarella, buffalo mozzarella, truffle carpaccio, truffle oilDelicataMozzarella, buffalo mozzarella cold set, Cantabrian anchovies filéTricoloreTomatosauce, burrata, fresh pesto, different tomatoes (yellow, red, green)MortadellaCheese, mortadella, stracciatella of burrata and pistachio seedsSaporitaMozzarella, tomato, burrata (fresh cream cheese from southern Italy), cherry tomatoes, basilDeliziosaCheese, pears “Williams, walnuts with forest honeyMargheritaTomato sauce, cheeseNapoliTomato sauce, cheese, anchoviesMarinaraTomato sauce, garlicProsciutto FunghiTomato sauce, cheese, ham, mushroomsReginaTomato sauce, cheese, spicy salami, ham, mushroomsTonno CipollaTomato sauce, cheese, tunny, onionsSiciliaTomato sauce, cheese, olives, capers, anchoviesCapricciosaTomato sauce, cheese, ham, artichocke, mushroomsPeperonataTomato sauce, cheese, peppersQuattro FormaggiTomato sauce, cheeseQuattro StagioniTomato sauce, cheese, grilled peppers, ham, artichocke, mushroomsDiavolaTomato sauce, cheese, spicy salami, grilled peppersVesuvioTomato sauce, cheese, spicy salami, grilled peppers, mushrooms, tunny, eggOlympiaTomato sauce, cheese, asparagus, smoked hamPrimaveraTomato sauce, mozzarella, fresh rocket, parmesan cheeseVerduraTomato sauce, cheese, vegetables in seasonRucolaTomato sauce, cheese, fresh rocket, cherry tomatoesTirolerTomato sauce, cheese, bacon, onionsItaliaTomato sauce, cheese, cheese Brie, cherry tomatoes, fresh rocketGardenaTomato sauce, cheese, cèpes, smoked hamDel PizzaioloTomato sauce, cheese, gorgonzola, tunny, spicy salami, asparagusBufalaTomato sauce, cheese, buffalo mozzarella, cherry tomatoesFrutti di MareTomato sauce, cheese, seafoodHawaiTomato sauce, cheese, ham, pineappleTennisLet yourself be surprisedChefTomato sauce, cheese, gorgonzola, spinach, parmesan cheeseSassolungoTomato sauce, cheese, fresh rocket, bresaolaAlpeTomato sauce, cheese, mushrooms, cheese Brie, sausageLeggeraTomato sauce, cheese, philadelphia, fresh rocket, parmesan cheeseSfiziosaTomato sauce, cheese, philadelphia, radicchioMontanaraTomato sauce, cheese, cheese Brie, speckRusticaTomato sauce, cheese, spicy salami, lombardi peppersEstivaTomato sauce, cheese, stracchino, fresh rocket, bresaolaForteTomato sauce, cheese, ricotta, spinachGustosaTomato sauce, cheese, zucchini, ham, parmesan cheeseBismarckTomato sauce, cheese, ham, sausage, eggCalzoneTomato sauce, mozzarella, ham, mushrooms (stuffed pizza)Calzone SpecialeTomato sauce, cheese, tunny, gorgonzola (stuffed pizza)DolomitiCheese, gorgonzola, walnutsUnikaCheese, cherry tomatoes, basilWimbledonPizzabread, fresh rocket, cherry tomatoes, buffalo mozzarellaLa RacchettaPizzabread, fresh rocket, smoked hamAmore CaldoVanilla ice cream with hot raspberriesTortino caldo al cioccolatoHot chocolate souffle with vanilla ice creamTiramisúAffogato al cafféVanilla ice cream with coffeeNocciolinoNut ice cream with hazelnut kernels and chocolate coatingAffogato al limoncelloLemon ice cream with limoncello